
Gramatik is just killing it

Gramatik is just killing it


May 8th, 2012

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I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Dennis several times.  Most recently is a funny story that is worth sharing.  I was stage managing at Nocturnal Wonderland at Apache Pass, Texas.  Aarab Muzik went on for his 50 minute set and was absolutely destroying the place.  Gramatik and host of other big name artists were back stage to watch the madness.  Emalkay was set to go on after Aarab played.  With 10 minutes left in Aarab’s set,  I ask his manager, how much more material does he have which he responds, another 10 minutes.  5 minutes later, he smashes his last APC pad and just walks off stage.  Complete silence.  Now, whatever, big deal, some silence but after a few minutes, Emalkay is no where to be found.  I pull out my USB drive, stick it in a CDJ-2k and drop a Gramatik track of his new album “#digitalfreedom“. Needless to say the crowd was into and Dennis came over and said thanks. Classy dude with amazing tunes.

His latest album, “#digitalfreedom” is a heavier, more dubstep influenced album. The tracks span the BPM range from 70-110 for a nice diverse tempo range.

“My new EP bares the title #digitalfreedom. As an artist that based his entire career on the platform of free file sharing, I’m dedicating it to the fight against severe internet censorship bills we’ve been hearing about so much in the past months. Bastards have been trying to cripple the internet on a global scale with bills like ACTA/SOPA/PIPA and I’m sure there’s more of them coming, so this one goes out for spreading awareness! Reject them all, they will never stop the sharing, the Internet is our realm, DIGITAL FREEDOM!”

Download the album here.

Check out the Gramatik’s recent video for his track “Solidified” which is the flip to his older track “Liquidfied”.



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