
Live Recording from SuperVision at Kingdom on June 6th, 2013
SuperVision recently dropped his EP “Telekeinetic”. To celebrate, Gravitas and Beat Binge had him down to play at Kingdom. The night went really well with an almost sold out show. SuperVision is a super nice guy and played a great set. There was a little drama after the night and without going into too much detail, SuperVision handled business then too. This is a live recording from the DJ booth that night. My set starts about at 1:33 into the mix and SuperVision’s starts at 2:33. Enjoy!
The DJs:
SuperVision (@thatsupervsion)
BREDE (@jessebrede)
IllumiNVUGHTY (@illuminvughty)
B!unt Force (@blunt_force)
HypersonicRadio.com (@hypersonicradio)
Jam and download SuperVision’s EP!