Interview with edIT from The Glitch Mob
If you haven’t heard of edIT or The Glitch Mob, check them out. Their sound takes in what I like about intelligent Hip-Hop, glitch electronica, party rockin house music and mashes it all together. edIT’s latest album, “Certified Air Raid Material” has been out for a while now but I feel like its just now gaining serious recogition.
I featured “Battling Go Go Yubari In Downtown L.A” on a recent mix I did for “RAW” as well, so check that out if you want. I know he was in Austin not to long but unfortunately I missed the show and don’t have anything to report. Check out the interview and buy his album if you can, its worth it.
Note, I found this interview on, I dig their site and they have an upcoming interview with Z-Trip that I’m looking forward to seeing.